Monday, September 21, 2015

So many kittens, so little time...

I have an abundance of kittens and mom cats to trap right now. It's a bit overwhelming. Spay/neuter makes such a significant impact on their health and welfare that I'm unable and unwilling to stop. The work is very rewarding and I'm grateful to have a fantastic group of volunteers to help me with fostering, finding homes for kittens, and caring for managed feral colonies so that cats are fed everyday and also get fresh water.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

'Tis the season...


This is no April fools joke. We're going into kitten season. I trapped my 1st 2015 homeless kitty over the weekend. Thanks to San Francisco SPCA, she was spayed on Saturday and returned to her home on Sunday. Four less new kittens living on the street as a result.

Humane trapping and spay/neuter really make a difference to both the cats and our communities.